Challenger: While The Iron Is Hot

The launch of Challenger doesn't go quite to plan!

Mission Description

The death of a captain and chief science officer, leaves the starship Challenger in disarray before it has even launched. Without any other choice, Starfleet promotes its first officer to assume command. Captain Burton must lead a critical mission to ensure the survival of the Coalition of Planets while bringing together his new crew on their brand new ship.


Dedicated to the players of Star Trek: Challenger, a role-playing forum-based simulation. They wrote this first mission with so much creativity and fun! Their writing should be shared with all!



The bulk of this story is set in the year 2155 (ACE) shortly after the Terra Prime events (Star Trek: Enterprise – Terra Prime).

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date
End Date

10 August 2021


Challenger: While The Iron Is Hot

Admiral Valdore watched in silence as Praetor D’deridex discussed with the rest of the Senate the current situation. The aging Romulan leader now rose slowly from the opulent chair at the head of the Hall of State’s audience chamber. “Once again our plans have failed to live up to their [...]

10 August 2021


Challenger: While The Iron Is Hot

Entering sickbay with a sense of pride pinned across his face, Captain Burton made his way over to where those from his crew who had been kidnapped rested. Sickbay in the past few days had been filled with injured crewmembers and as such folded out beds had complimented the normal three beds. Most [...]

10 August 2021


Challenger: While The Iron Is Hot

“Captain’s starlog, February 9th, 2155. Challenger’s crew have worked hard through the night to fix as much of our battle damage as possible. Words cannot express the tremendous pride I have for the crew’s efforts. We now are left to deal with ramifications of the attack and how we plan to [...]

10 August 2021


Challenger: While The Iron Is Hot

“No, no, no Commander, that is simply unacceptable!”  “Well I’m truly sorry to hear that Commander Shras.” Levesque said for what felt like the hundredth time in the last half an hour. Since the ship went to tactical alert Commander Vindishras th’Vanatar, the head of Ambassador [...]