Part of Starbase Bravo: 2401: Colloquium

Food? Science?

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Sonja had been looking forward to the next week as she had been given some time off from her duties. It was needed and she knew she would be refreshed after taking the time. She didn't have to rush to be anywhere and knew her plans was to go to the culinary wing of the Colloquium event. She got dressed in her hoodie and comfy pants and made her way to the area. She heard her stomach growl as she thought of the good food that could be shown. She walked into the area and was amazed by the amount of detail in the wing, but also the scents of food. 

She walked in looking to see if their was anyone she knew, but it was still early and she knew from the conversations she had with colleagues this wing got busy as the day went on. She stopped trying to decide what she wanted to do first, as she looked at the options. 

”Food, where to find food? I’m so hungry right now, and I most definitely don’t feel like eating whatever the replicator gives today might as well give me a stomach ache," sighed Elias. 

“OOOO! Food convention? I wonder what this could be. I mean, well, judging by the theme this year, I doubt there is going to be any food around here, but why not try? I mean, if there is, it still might be better than what the replicator has to offer.“ Hearing his stomach growl, Elias went into the culinary wing of the exhibition, and there he met Sonja. 

“Hey Sonja! Over here!” Waving his hands frantically.

“Define food; we are at a scientific convention; are you willing to be the test subject of so-called new food? I mean, I am not stopping you?” A voice came from behind Elias as Arwa stood there with a smirk on her face and waved to Sonja.

”Science convention, it may be. Who knows?! Maybe they finally figured out how to make good replicator food?” Hear his stomach grumble again, Elias said. “I think if it is anything related to food at the moment, I might as well be a test subject; do you hear my stomach?! It literally grumbles."

Cam surveyed the lively scene, searching through the multitude of faces. They were meant to be here, amidst the crowd. Suddenly, his eyes locked onto Elias, surrounded by the rest of the group. Without hesitation, Cam made his way over and teased, "You weren't planning on sampling all these treats without me, were you?"

”Of course not! You will be a test subject along with me! At least according to Arwa here.” said Elias, slightly rolling his eyes at her. “It couldn’t do that much harm, am I right?” Silently in his head, Elias really hoped it was good and did no harm.

Sonja shook her head one person turned into three more it seemed like everyone was wanting to explore about food today. She stepped over after finishing where she had been looking. She smiled at the group and waved “Looks like everyone had the same idea as me today, but it looks like you all have a mischievous look. What did I miss?”

“Not much, we are just gathering here to do the same thing as everyone else, get some sightseeing done,” Arwa winked in Sonja's direction with a grin on her face. 

“Sightseeing…riiiight Arwa, I trust that.” She said wink a wink. She looked at the group wondering if anyone else was not accounted for.

”Uhhh, where’s Soren? I think she’s the last one missing,“ asked Elias.

A short scan of the area was enough for the question to be answered without much in the way of investigating. The Bajoran was standing in front of one of many displays, firing off question after question in a tizzy of curiosity fueled frenzy. The owner of the display had a very conflicted look on their face as they fielded the questions being lobbed at them at a break-neck pace. The look was most likely a mixture of pride and exasperation, as Soren's interest in the project being put on display seemed genuine, but her delivery was less than desirable given the hectic nature of it. After what might have been well over her dozenth question, Liara happened to turn just in time to catch sight of some vaguely familiar faces.

“Oh! I remember you,” Soren said with a smile, “The group from the lounge the other day. What brings you here? Are you exploring the exhibits?”

"Since all the replicators on Deck 457 decided to take a break, and I was promised snacks here, it felt like a simple equation," Cam remarked in response to the dry comment.

”Well, I’m here just cause for the food… and science?” said Elias laughing a little bit.

Rolling her eyes “Enough talks about food, you guys are making me hungry” Arwa pointed out “Lets get going already there is much to see, to hear and for the weird kinks among us feel as well”

"Sounds like a plan!" Cam's eyes lit up with excitement as he pivoted his body to face Arwa, a smile spreading across his face. But before another word could leave his lips, a sudden, shrill chirping noise erupted from his chest. The sound pierced through the air, causing heads to turn in curiosity.

As the chirping subsided, a voice in an urgent tone commanded, “Lieutenant Solari, report to Sector Golf-One-Cyan, Shuttlebay Three.”

In an instant, Cam's expression shifted. The sparkle in his eyes dimmed, replaced by both a flicker of disappointment and determination. With a sigh, he turned to his companions, 

"Sorry, everyone," he murmured, as he disappeared in the crowd he added "Duty calls."

Arwa looked a bit confused at the departure of Cam, but some folk were on standby during the event so it was  logical thing. Arwa wanted to react to the rest until her com also chirped “Ah come on….”She pats her badge as the voice of her assistant came over “Lieutenant el-Imam, where are you? I thought we were meeting up" 

She shrugged and was honestly forgotten about it “Shi….” She mutters and yet contained it “I am on my way…Arwa out" She looked at the rest of them and points at the vendors “Check those out first, they have quite delious food and see some of the inventions on display….I will join you when I can” Arwa nods to them and walks off. 

”Huh, seems like everyone’s busy right now. Maybe we’ll meet up next time. Shrugged Elias.